Change of a developer organisation for a better future
An approach for Implementing change strategies in the organisational structures of private developers management and projects for sustainable impact – a single case study
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There is significant potential for circular and sustainable development, however, many organisations are struggling to keep pace with this transition. Despite the Paris Agreements and ESG benchmarks setting clear sustainability standards, private developers are still lacking in adopting new transitions towards a future-proof strategy for their organisations due to growing risks, increasing costs, and the competitive nature of the market.
This research aims to examine how organisational change within developers’ management structures and processes can benefit early adaptors and frontrunners. Changing the industry goes step by step and starts with an individual approach to adapting the available knowledge. Implementing these changes within companies presents barriers and opportunities at various levels in the organisation. By investigating the implementation of strategic changes, it is crucial to consider the perspectives of different teams and individuals in the organisation to understand how the short-term projects will be affected by the long-term goals and new strategies to come. These factors are shaped both internally and externally, depending on the context. Within this single case study of a developer’s organisation interviews are conducted with individuals within the developer’s operations. The aim is to provide insights into how their beliefs and work align with the framework of the private developers’ proactive and reactive approaches to the company’s culture and values. Additionally, a case study is conducted to see the change strategies in the past years concerning management and their implications on further developments by using the guide plan, recommendations are given. Combining Strategies for change and aligning strategic and project levels shows the importance of the guide plan. Providing a guide plan to address and connect theory to practice shows implementation recommendations for private developer organisations towards change strategies. The research concludes with recommendations.