Acceleration of energy cooperation implementation on Dutch business parks in congested areas
A comparative multilple case analysis
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The Dutch energy transition is alive and kicking, however problems arise because of this same transition. Transmission grid congestion is one of them, whereby the grid cannot handle all the extra electricity from wind and solar power, combined with the extra demand due to electrification. Furthermore, business parks have a large potential for emission reduction of the Netherlands, but this potential is not harvested yet. Sustainable energy measures for individual businesses are hindered by the congestion problems, but cooperative solutions could offer a way out. Currently, not much is known about how to implement energy cooperation solutions on business parks in congested areas, and with the help of interviews with relevant stakeholders, insights on existing barriers, drivers and solutions will be gathered. Relevant stakeholders consist of business owners, park managers, grid operators and experts. Ultimately, with the findings from this qualitative data collection, a methodology will be designed to help developers of energy cooperation projects to accelerate the implementation of such projects.