VLC Physical Layer Security through RIS-aided Jamming Receiver for 6G Wireless Networks

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Visible Light Communication (VLC) is one the most promising enabling technology for future 6G networks to over-come Radio-Frequency (RF)-based communication limitations thanks to a broader bandwidth, higher data rate, and greater efficiency. However, from the security perspective, VLCs suffer from all known wireless communication security threats (e.g., eavesdropping and integrity attacks). For this reason, security re-searchers are proposing innovative Physical Layer Security (PLS) solutions to protect such communication. Among the different solutions, the novel Reflective Intelligent Surface (RIS) technology coupled with VLCs has been successfully demonstrated in recent work to improve the VLC communication capacity. However, to date, the literature still lacks analysis and solutions to show the PLS capability of RIS-based VLC communication. In this paper, we combine watermarking and jamming prim-itives through the Watermark Blind Physical Layer Security (WBPLSec) algorithm to secure VLC communication at the physical layer. Our solution leverages RIS technology to improve the security properties of the communication. By using an opti-mization framework, we can calculate RIS phases to maximize the WBPLSec jamming interference schema over a predefined area in the room. In particular, compared to a scenario without RIS, our solution improves the performance in terms of secrecy capacity without any assumption about the adversary's location. We validate through numerical evaluations the positive impact of RIS-aided solution to increase the secrecy capacity of the legitimate jamming receiver in a VLC indoor scenario. Our results show that the introduction of RIS technology extends the area where secure communication occurs and that by increasing the number of RIS elements the outage probability decreases.