Kite tether force control
Reducing power fluctuations for utility-scale airborne wind energy systems
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Power output during flight operation of multi-megawatt airborne wind energy systems is substantially affected by the mass of the airborne subsystem, resulting in power fluctuations. In this paper, an approach to control the tether force using the airborne subsystem is presented that improves the quality of the power output. This kite tether force control concept is implemented on the 3DOF dynamic simulation of the MegAWES reference model. First, the winch of MegAWES is resized because an analysis of winch inertia and radius shows its effect on power output and tether force overshoot. Second, the power consuming sections during the traction phase are eliminated by using a feedforward winch controller. Finally, the peak power is substantially reduced by implementing the kite tether force controller which uses a measurement of the tether force, angle of attack, and airspeed to keep the tether force constant when the system is at its power limit. This reduces the range between minimum and maximum power output by 75%.