Probing universal critical scaling with scan density matrix renormalization group

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We explore the universal signatures of quantum phase transitions that can be extracted with the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm applied to quantum chains with a gradient. We present high-quality data collapses for the order parameter and for the entanglement entropy for three minimal models: transverse-field Ising, three-state Potts, and Ashkin-Teller. Furthermore, we show that scan-DMRG successfully captures the universal critical scaling when applied across the magnetic Wess-Zumino-Witten and nonmagnetic Ising transitions in the frustrated Haldane chain. In addition, we report a universal scaling of the lowest excitation energy as a function of a gradient rate. Finally, we argue that the scan-DMRG approach has significantly lower computational cost compare to the conventional DMRG protocols to study quantum phase transitions.


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