Revamping the stereoscope: using stereoscopes to mirror planetary remote sensing in the classroom
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Stereoscopic viewing of overlapping aerial image pairs under a mirror-stereoscope has been a common approach to visually study the 3D architecture of landscapes and their constituting landforms. While superseded by digital means for various science applications, the depth perception offered by stereoscopes still has potential to introduce novice learners to the spatial dimensions and relations of landforms, in particular those lacking prior geoscience training. In this presentation I will discuss an application of stereoscopes in planetary science education. Similar to aerial surveying and earth observation, planetary science too relies on expert-driven and semi-automated image interpretation to infer landform and landscape genesis to increase our understanding of planetary evolution. The use of HiRISE stereo image pairs of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter allows similar 3D viewing as with conventional aerial photos. We will discuss an activity format involving stereo pairs of the Jezero crater delta, the landing site of the M2020 Perseverance rover and Ingenuity drone, and then review some early results and ideas for future iterations.