Experimental characterization of H 2 /water multiphase flow in heterogeneous sandstone rock at the core scale relevant for underground hydrogen storage (UHS)

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Geological porous reservoirs provide the volume capacity needed for large scale underground hydrogen storage (UHS). To effectively exploit these reservoirs for UHS, it is crucial to characterize the hydrogen transport properties inside porous rocks. In this work, for the first time in the community, we have performed H 2/water multiphase flow experiments at core scale under medical X-ray CT scanner. This has allowed us to directly image the complex transport properties of H 2 when it is injected or retracted from the porous rock. The important effective functions of capillary pressure and relative permeability are also measured, for both drainage and imbibition. The capillary pressure measurements are combined with MICP data to derive a receding contact angle for the H 2/water/sandstone rock system. The rock core sample is a heterogeneous Berea sandstone (17 cm long and 3.8 cm diameter). Our investigation reveals the interplay between gravitational, capillary, and viscous forces. More specifically, it illustrates complex displacement patterns in the rock, including gravity segregation, enhancement of spreading of H 2 due to capillary barriers, and the formation of fingers/channel during imbibition which lead to significant trapping of hydrogen. These findings shed new light on our fundamental understanding of the transport characteristics of H 2/water relevant for UHS.