A new approach to simulate the Ameland inlet's response to sea-level rise and subsidence

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The Wadden Sea is the largest system of tidal flats and barrier islands in the world extending from the northern Dutch coast to the coast of Denmark. Such a large natural area is ofgreat importance to bothhuman beings and ecosystems. Over 10,000 species of flora and fauna are found in theWadden Sea being a perfect habitat due to the relatively calm environment and high food availability. However, accelerating sea-level rise and human interventions, such as gas extraction, may induce an unwanted morphological change in theWadden Sea posing a threat to the natural habitats. This study investigates the morphological response of the Wadden Sea to SLR and subsidence induced by gas mining. A new hybridmodel whose aggregation level is between a process-based model
(Delft3D) and a aggregatedmodel (ASMITA) is applied in this thesis. The two-dimensional hybrid model applies depth integrated shallow water formulations and the advection diffusion equation for the transport ofsediments like Delft3D, but calculates the exchange ofsediment betweenbed andwater columnbymeans ofan equilibriumbathymetry concept under scenarios disturbing these equilibrium conditions. The Ameland inlet is chosen as the research area because it is a relatively autonomous
and undisturbed basin. The high robustness of the hybrid model makes it possible to apply a high morphological scale factor and a coarser grid compared to the processbased model, which shortens the computation time by orders of magnitude. However, the equilibrium concept also fixes the shoal-channel structure and suppresses channel migrations. Three different scenarios of sea-level rise rate (4, 6, 8 mm/year) are applied over a simulation period of 100 years. The general morphological response simulated by the hybrid model shows that the channels and the ebb-tidal delta erode acting as the main source ofsediment for accretion of the intertidal flats. The erosion/sedimentation is more pronounced with a higher sea-level rise rate. Sensitivity analysis shows a significant influence of the sediment diameter on the
channel erosion and sediment supply to the intertidal flats. Diffusivity plays an important role in the horizontal sediment exchange between the channel and the flat but only slightly influences the sediment import. Global equilibrium concentration and power n are similar to diffusivity in affecting morphological activity. The adaptation time scale is inversely proportional to both of these two parameters. The possibility of using more than one sediment fraction is proved and it can reproduce a more realistic sediment distribution as the observation. The hybrid model is also applied to simulate the morphological response to local
subsidence and the restoration after subsidence stops. The center of the subsidence circle dosen’t lower as much as the subsidence rate, which indicates that sediment is transported to the center. Sediment is supplied to the area ofsubsidence by the adjacent main channel. The result proves the sediment transport principle underlying the hybrid model that sediment is always transported along the gradient of the sediment demand.


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