
Addressing the future of Tempelhof Field as an oasis for local communities, its vibrant nature and the city of Berlin.

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Tempelhof has become an oasis of leisure in a city that never sleeps, where the unplanned and spontaneous can take place. Its worth as a park, however, is always put against its land value. As Berlin expands, its demand for real-state grows as anywhere else in the world, and “the large green spot” in the center of its urban fabric always draws unwanted attention/ However, any alteration or improvement in the field is currently prohibited by the "Tempelhof Conservation Act", a law inacted by concerned citizens that fear for the park's existance and destruction. This very act, that was meant to preserve this area, has also prevented it from developing and responding to the needs of the very people who treasure it. “Craftscapes” is a playful attempt at reaching a consensus between this community, city and the vibrant nature that has found refuge in this retired airfield through a series of small timber interventions that culminate with a school for arts and crafts.
