Correction to

Imaging the Molecular Motions of Autonomous Repair in a Self-Healing Polymer (Advanced Materials, (2017), 29, 26, (1701017), 10.1002/adma.201701017)

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On page 5 of 6 (Experimental Section, subsection Laser Speckle Imaging), the sentence “The LSI method is based on the multiple scattering of light, essentially the imaging equivalent of Ddffusive Wwve Ssectroscopy.[27]” was typeset incorrectly during production of the article, and is hereby corrected to (changes indicated in bold): “The LSI method is based on the multiple scattering of light, essentially the imaging equivalent of diffusive wave spectroscopy.[27]” Furthermore, the sentence “At frequencies below ∼0.1 Hz and above ≈100 Hz, localized repair dynamics vanish.” was typeset incorrectly during production of the article, and is hereby corrected to (changes indicated in bold): “At frequencies below ≈0.1 Hz and above ≈100 Hz, localized repair dynamics vanish.”.


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