Corrigendum to “Crashworthiness in preliminary design
mean crushing force prediction for closed-section thin-walled metallic structures” [International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 188, June 2024, 104946](S0734743X24000708)(10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2024.104946)
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The authors regret to inform that an error has been identified in the numerical dataset presented in the original paper (Appendix C.1) for square tubular structures. The mean force values were taken for the entire range (including the peak) instead of the plateau phase of the crushing due to a scripting error. This has an effect on some of the coefficient of determination values, error ranges in Table 2 and causes a change in the generalized equation. However, the coefficient of determination of the generalized model remains unchanged. This corrigendum presents the changes in text and the updated figures and tables. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.