Social foresights on Covid-19 futures
developing a NLP tool for Strategic Design Research
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Future sense-making is the social activity by which people give meaning to their collective experiences in crisis situations such as the outbreak of Covid-19. Enacted in conversations and narratives, sense-making is a largely cognitive activity of framing experienced situations as meaningful. It is a collaborative process of creating shared awareness and strategic understanding about the future out of different individuals' perspectives and varied interests. If and how such social sense-making about the future translates to social communities lies within the interest of this research from a strategic design perspective.
The purpose of this research is to analyze social foresights in collective sense-making about corvid-19 futures. The research will be used to inform (new) strategies of innovation and better inform response efforts of organizations. The first stage is to build the theoretical framework that informs the NLP tool for the design research on social foresights.
In this paper, we show how to develop a NLP tool for strategic design research through conceptualizing a theoretical model how to analyze social foresights in collectively coping with the corvid-19 outbreak.