Innovation Strategy for Pyropower
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Pyropower is a startup active in the field of biochar systems. Pyropower is active in the country of Malawi (Africa) and Indonesia where Pyropower is proposing new technology to farmers to solve their problems. In June 2020, Pyropower launched Europe project, and in European context as well, Pyropower wants to implement the biochar system. This thesis focusses on introduction of Pyropower in the European market. This project develops a near future plan as well as far future plan for Pyropower to establish the business in European context. Accordingly, a near future business plan, a far future business plan, service design, future user interaction and roadmap is provided which covers the assignment questions.
The method of vision in product design is used along with blue ocean strategy to make sure the position of Pyropower is distinctive, futuristic, connected to Pyropower's mission as well as socially responsible. The value modelling blueprint, business model canvas, strategic roadmapping tools are used to generate revenue models, business models and roadmap for Pyropower. The future context created using ViP method can be used for other designing projects as well, with suitable domain definition.
The deconstruction phase identifies problems associated with introduction of biochar systems and looks at Pyropower and context. The insights are used to identify capabilities of Pyropower as well as competitors. The ERRC(Eliminate- Raise-Reduce-Create) framework from blue ocean strategy is used to identify the blue ocean. Accordingly, Community Supported Agricultures (CSAs) are identified as the possible blue ocean. Later on, through ViP construction phase, A future practice is identified and a service is designed (digital platform) which connects to the future practice. With the use of value modelling blueprint and business model canvas, related revenue model and business models are designed. A feasibility study shows reasons for Pyropower to enter the market of CSAs. The feasibility study involves reasoning based on economical, organisational, operational as well as technical criteria. A connection between CSA and Pyropower is explained, to provide sufficient reasoning for entering a new domain.
In the end, the concepts are presented to Pyropower and documented in the report. A discussion, reflection and conclusion part discusses the overall process, results, recommendations. Overall, the idea is accepted by Pyropower and are willing to kickstart the project.