Passive VLC: Spatial Color Channel Modulation through Dispersion of Light
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In the last decades our usage of the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum has intensified a lot due to the increasing number of mobile devices. The spectrum is getting crowded and new communication alternatives might become necessary in the future. One such alternative is Visible Light Communication (VLC),which uses the visible light spectrum instead of RF. Passive VLC, in particular, combines this property with a low power usage, suited for battery powered devices. However, high data rates are lacking.
This thesis proposes a multi-channel passive VLC system, based on light dispersion principles, as a novel concept to try and enhance these data rates. Results of the system so far only show low data rates however, at a maximum of 4 bits per second. The low data rate in particular is caused by choice of transmitter and receiver, thereby limiting the bandwidth and the number of channels that can be created. Yet, the concept itself is still considered a valid and valuable approach, and higher data rates can be expected from future works.
In this thesis we will see exactly how we can go from light dispersion to creating a multi-channel passive VLC system. As we will see this requires an optical design, a transmitter and a receiver, all of which will be working together. Besides an evaluation of the performance it will give insight in challenges this concept faces and, also, what improvements might increase the system performance.