Adverse Aeroelastic Roll/Lateral Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings Analysis
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The paper investigates the basic mechanism of aeroservoelastic Pilot Assisted Oscillation phenomenon (PAO) about the roll axis due to the interaction with the pilot’s arm biomechanics. The motivation stems from the observation that a rotor imbalance may occur as a consequence of rotor cyclic lead-lag modes excitation. The instability mechanism is analogous to the ‘air resonance’ phenomenon, in which the pilot’s involuntary action plays the role of the AFCS. Using robust stability analysis, the paper demonstrates that, in particular, the introduction of a gain and a time-delay between the stick motion and the servoactuator displacements may reduce the gain and phase margins of the pilotvehicle system. The mechanism of instability proves that the pilot biodynamics is participating to the destabilization of the system by firstly inputting energy directly into the flapping mode. This destabilizes the airframe roll motion which, in turn, causes lag motion imbalance.