Short-term exercise progression of cardiovascular patients throughout cardiac rehabilitation

An observational study

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Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is a highly recommended secondary prevention measure for patients with diagnosed cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, participation rates are low due to enrollment and adherence issues. As such, new CR delivery strategies are of interest, as to improve overall CR delivery. The goal of the study was to obtain a better understanding of the short-term progression of functional capacity throughout multidisciplinary CR, measured as the change in walking distance between baseline six-minute walking test (6MWT) and four consecutive follow-up tests. One-hundred-and-twenty-nine patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease participated in the study, of which 89 patients who completed the whole study protocol were included in the statistical analysis. A one-way repeated measures ANOVA was conducted to determine whether there was a significant change in mean 6MWT distance (6MWD) throughout CR. A three-way-mixed ANOVA was performed to determine the influence of categorical variables on the progression in 6MWD between groups. Significant differences in mean 6MWD between consecutive measurements were observed. Two subgroups were identified based on the change in distance between baseline and end-of-study. Patients who increased most showed a linear progression. In the other group progression leveled off halfway through rehabilitation. Moreover, the improvement during the initial phase of CR seemed to be indicative for overall progression. The current study adds to the understanding of the short-term progression in exercise capacity of patients diagnosed with cardiovascular disease throughout a CR program. The results are not only of interest for CR in general, but could be particularly relevant in the setting of home-based CR.