Successful public-private partnership practice in times of crises
An in-depth research consisting of a literature review, expert interviews, case studies of the spatial development projects and joint ventures of Hoog Dalem, the Spoorzone 013 and the Schieveste, and further theoretical embedding of its findings
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Based on a literature review and expert interviews, a conceptual model is drafted, explaining and visualising successful public-private partnership practice regarding spatial development. Five hypotheses were derived from this model, focussing at the flexibility of the building programmes and the project's phasing, clear project and actor performances as well as financial positions, and continuous monitoring processess. Based on case studies, of the development projects of Hoog Dalem, the Spoorzone 013 and the Schieveste which delivered during the financial and economic crises which started in 2008, it can be concluded that all aforementioned topics are relevant for successful PPP-practice, except for the aspect of clarity regarding actors' financial positions. Based on the case studies, the hypotheses and topics are further elaborated, resulting in recommendations for future PPP-practice.