Radiation characteristics of skewed loaded dipole arrays

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In this work we present a study to determine theparameters affecting the power radiated in specific directions byantenna arrays with tilted elements. We developed an efficientMethod of Moments (MoM) for the analysis of linear arrays witharbitrarily tilted dipole elements, in free space or in the presenceof a backing reflector. By using this analysis method, we studythe radiation characteristics of arrays of stacked dipoles overa ground plane, highlighting the variation of the patterns as afunction of the inter-element distance and the angle of inclinationof the element. It is shown that, for large arrays (i.e. with morethan 10 elements), the shape of the active element pattern doesnot change significantly as a function of the number of elements,but it depends on the inter-element distance and the skew angleof the array elements. A few examples to show this capabilityare presented.


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