A three-dimensional digital neurological atlas of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii)

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Substantial knowledge of auditory processing within mammalian nervous systems emerged from neurophysiological studies of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii). This highly social and vocal species retrieves precise information about the velocity and range of its targets through echolocation. Such high acoustic processing demands were likely the evolutionary pressures driving the over-development at peripheral (cochlea), metencephalic (cochlear nucleus), mesencephalic (inferior colliculus), diencephalic (medial geniculate body of the thalamus), and telencephalic (auditory cortex) auditory processing levels in this species. Auditory researchers stand to benefit from a three dimensional brain atlas of this species, due to its considerable contribution to auditory neuroscience. Our MRI-based atlas was generated from 2 sets of image data of an ex-vivo male mustached bat's brain: a detailed 3D-T2-weighted-RARE scan [(59 × 63 x 85) μm3] and track density images based on super resolution diffusion tensor images [(78) μm3] reconstructed from a set of low resolution diffusion weighted images using Super-Resolution-Reconstruction (SRR). By surface-rendering these delineations and extrapolating from cortical landmarks and data from previous studies, we generated overlays that estimate the locations of classic functional subregions within mustached bat auditory cortex. This atlas is freely available from our website and can simplify future electrophysiological, microinjection, and neuroimaging studies in this and related species.