A central role for the lateral entrant in the lateral entrance process

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The lateral entrance process (zij-instroomtraject), LEP, was introduced as a solution to reduce the teacher shortage. However, the Haagse Hogeschool experiences that their participants have a hard time becoming a teacher in primary schools via the lateral entrance process. This is caused by the lateral entrant not being fully integrated into the Dutch education system.

While in the ideal situation of the lateral entrance process, we want the lateral entrant to feel confident about their professional growth and development of their own identity as a teacher. An environment in which the lateral entrant, primary school and LEP education (the three parties) are encouraged to acknowledge, trust and uplift each other is essential to move to the ideal situation of the LEP.

A roadmap and Wave were designed to encourage the three parties to acknowledge, trust and uplift each other to move towards the ideal situation. Four elements, that are both part of Wave and the roadmap, were conceptualised.

The Sprong booklet and online learning environment overview were designed to inform the lateral entrant about practicalities of the LEP. As a consequence, the lateral entrant knows what to expect, can recognise opportunities and can focus on their professional growth. The Sprong booklet is an example of a course manual and should be further developed.

Tripartite canvases and the Coach collective platform were shaped to facilitate the relationship between the three parties. The tripartite canvases support with reflecting on the collaboration between the three parties throughout the project during four meetings. The first two canvases are ready for a pilot, while the third and fourth canvases need to be developed further. Next, it is advised to use the web-application SharePoint as the coach collective platform to share documents between the three parties. The application could be implemented right away.