Comparative analysis in thermal behaviour of common urban building materials and vegetation and consequences for urban heat island effect
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The urban heat island, is a serious threat for the urban well-being, and can be determined by the local energy balance. The surface energy balance, with respect to incoming radiative energy and subsequent partitioning into reflected energy (albedo), absorbed energy and further partitioning of latter into convectional heat (QH), radiative heat (QR) and latent heat (QE) by using commonly applied urban materials and vegetation types, was therefore experimentally quantified in this study. In agreement with previous studies it was found that materials convert most of absorbed energy into convectional heat (>92%) while vegetation channels a substantial part of absorbed radiative energy into latent heat (27–50%). It is for the first time experimentally demonstrated that significant differences in thermal behaviour between different types of urban vegetation surfaces occur. Of the investigated vegetation types ivy and moss showed respectively the highest (0.10) and lowest (0.07) albedo, but sedum and moss channelled respectively lowest (27%) and highest (50%) percentage of the absorbed radiative energy into latent heat production. Of the four investigated plant types, moss appeared most effective in preventing UHI, converting only 50% of incoming radiative energy into convectional heat, while sedum was least effective converting 73% of incoming radiative energy into convectional heat. These quantitative measurements show that strategic use of specific types of urban vegetation surfaces, instead of commonly applied building materials, can be an effective measure for mitigation of UHI leading to improved climate resilient cities.