Adaptive reuse of campus bulidings towards student housing

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It is with the technique of adaptive reuse that the campus buildings from the TU Delft are seen as a solution towards the contemporary problem of the student housing. Starting of with an investigation towards adaptability and its measurability within the research paper. Leading towards conclusions about the cause of adaptability being tied to the shearing layers principles of Stewards brand. This, connected to the open building theory of Habraken states the structure of a building, this case being the EWI faculty of the TU delft, as case for transformation and adaptation. The new infill layer is based upon the maximisation of the adaptability over time, leading towards future changes on differentiating problems. The project contains a worked out self-build system which is designed for disassembly and thereby establishing adaptability. Furthermore this concept is taken towards the current functionality of the EWI as campus building, and thereby introducing an adaptable study space.