Modeling Spatial Units Class for Spatial Planning map for the future of ISO 19152 on Land Administration Domain Model (LADM)

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The International Standards Organization (ISO) published ISO 19152:2012 on The Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) aims to provide guidelines to develop a 3D spatial representation of Rights, Restrictions, and Responsibilities (RRRs). The multidimensional representation is useful for improving stakeholders' ability to understand the relationship between land and people. In 2017, the working group on LADM revision proposed extension of the standard by integrating land valuation and spatial planning information into its scope. The spatial planning information package proposed in LADM revision facilitates RRRs derived from spatial planning by reusing information defined in zoning regulation. Knowing that land administration and land management are matters, we examine the process of how to manage RRRs information from spatial planning and to publish it trough 3D web GIS. This paper aims to present the method for integrating land use and land development aspects in land management and visualize its RRRs with real data of Bandung City, Indonesia.
