Architectural Extinction

Architectural Extinction The westernization of traditional housing before the 1930s in Thailand.

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Is that Ruean Thai facing extinction? Despite this, traditional Thai accommodation represents Thainess as Thai people believe. Yet it is rarely found, particularly in Bangkok's capital city. Ruean Thai seems obsolete, unnecessary, and complicated design from a modern perspective. Some traditional Thai houses still exist, but many are old and neglected and will devalue over time. How has traditional Thai housing been devalued? Modernization is undoubtedly one factor that influences the alteration of Thai residential design. Conversely, what if it began before modernization after the twentieth century?
Between the 15th and 19th centuries, there was extensive Western colonization across the world. Colonization happened during the Ayutthaya period, from 1350 to 1765, until the relocation of the capital city to Bangkok from 1765 to 1930. The introduction of Western culture in Siam/Thailand began in 1517, establishing Ayutthaya's first trading contact with western nations. As a result, westernization had a substantial role in Siam's development and transformation in every field, including the Thai domestic sector. By influencing Culture, Political, Christian religion, new constructions, and materials from the other side of the world into Ayutthaya. The hypothesis of the extinction of Ruean Thai is not only about westernization but also the consideration of the Siam political and social aspects. The transition from Feudalism in Ayutthaya (1350-1868) to before the beginning of democracy (1868-1934) is crucial to understanding how feudalism and patriarchy caused a shift and devaluation in traditional dwelling identity? During the colonial period, how did political and social issues influence the designs of traditional Thai households in terms of architectural orientation and ornamentation vocabulary? What impact does the decline of feudalism and the more equality society has on building orientation?
Towards investigating the Ruean Thai extinction process in the context of Thailand's political history, this thesis also explores and analyses the transformation between three different Thai housing characteristics. Namely Thub Kwan Royal Residence (1911), The House on Sathorn (1899), and Baan Na Navee (1887). In order to examine which internal or external factors in which period directly affected the alteration of Ruean Thai.
