Creation and validation of a simulation environment for machine learning with drones

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Simulation environments are useful for a wide range of applications and their functionalities continue to improve every year. The aim of this thesis project was to create a simulation environment with high levels of realism and assess its capabilities through the use case of generating distributed drone traffic rules.

This thesis project was executed at the company Almende in cooperation with its sub-company DoBots. The distributed drone traffic rule generation use case was a contribution to the ADACORSA project which Almende takes part in. The goals of the thesis were the following. A simulation environment incorporating elements of realism was created using the software tools Almende has experience with. The capabilities of this environment were tested through the said use case. According to company requirements, this process was realised using an incremental complexity approach, and it utilized machine learning techniques. It was expected that the incremental complexity approach would help speed up the learning process of more complex scenarios, while machine learning would provide the benefit of smart automation and impartiality to solutions. For this process, a model was also devised for creating such rules, incorporating the incremental complexity approach and a standard machine learning technique. Finally, the benefits of the incremental complexity approach were also assessed.

The four building blocks of the implemented simulation environment were Gazebo, PX4, ROS2 and the iris drone model. The code was built upon the OpenAI ROS software package, with extensive modifications. The main work done during the implementation consisted of multiple parts. The original software package was cleaned of unnecessary elements, the PX4 software and the iris drone model were integrated into the environment and the simulation speed was increased. The whole setup was migrated from ROS to ROS2. The use of multiple drones in the same environment was also solved. An implementation of the deep Q-learning algorithm, which was selected as the learning method, was added. Different scenarios were created, as well as some logging and visualization tools. Additionally, the system was set up to run in docker containers and was highly parameterized for future use.

Different elementary traffic scenarios were implemented in the simulation and then executed. Based on these the following points were determined. It was concluded that the created simulation environment was well-fitted for running scenarios for traffic rule generation. It was also suitable for executing the scenarios using the incremental complexity approach, although its usability also depended on how the neural networks of the scenarios were set up. The environment was also feasible to work with machine learning from an engineering viewpoint, however, it did not perform well for its scientific research. This was due to not having statistically well-supported results, which was caused by the long time it took to execute a scenario. The benefits of the incremental complexity approach were also examined. For the simple case tackled in this project, it was found that the incremental complexity approach provided no significant advantages with regard to learning speed.