WP1D9: Experimentation roadmap and participants (COMESI Report)

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This report provides details of the roadmap for the user tests that were conducted in Delft, 23 ¿ 29 September 2011. The experiment aims to get user feedback on the user experience and technical functionality of two prototype applications developed in the project: Content anywhere and Social communication on TV.
A total of 62 students participated in the experiments and tested both applications, 9 of which were removed from the sample due to technological problems that occurred during the experiment. This document only displays the 53 students of which we used the data. The subjects were between 19 and 32 year with 66% between 21 and 25 years old. Male dominate the sample: 73%. Half of the sample is Dutch, the other half exist of students who comes from China, India, South America, and other European countries. Students mainly use smart phones (84%).