Enhancing Georeferencing of IFC Models through Surveyed Points Integration

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The integration of geoinformation with Building Information Models (BIM), termed GeoBIM, has garnered significant attention across academic and non-academic sectors due to its potential for analyzing the reciprocal impacts of new designs on their environment. However, achieving integration between 3D city models and BIM necessitates ensuring consistency and alignment between their respective features and specifications. Georeferencing, a fundamental task in GeoBIM, involves establishing a connection between digital models and the Earth’s surface through coordinate transformations. Despite its importance, accurate georeferencing of BIM models has often been overlooked, resulting in challenges for integrating BIM models and geographical data. To address this gap, our study proposes a novel approach to enhance the georeferencing accuracy of BIM models by integrating surveyed points, considering the varying levels of georeferencing precision applicable to Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) models. We explore the potential benefits and challenges associated with this integrated surveyed point methodology, providing insights to improve georeferencing within the GeoBIM framework.