Increasing awareness about the influence of air quality and noise on well-being

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The aim of this master thesis is to create a product that can increase awareness about the influence of air quality and noise on well-being. About 6% of the total burden of disease can be accounted to influences of the natural environment on well-being. Part of the problem is the unawareness of people about these influences. In order to improve well-being, people first have to reflect on the current situation and therefore become aware. Therefore, the goal of the product is to increase awareness and give people the knowledge to make different or better decisions. Studio Überdutch for who the project was conducted saw potential in measuring, interpreting, processing and adjusting the quality of the living environment. As a result, this project was initiated.
It was found that the variables that have most impact on human health are air pollution and noise. Based on the outcomes of the influence of the different variables, a look was taken at the influence of stress on well-being. Being able to cope with environmental stressors can only be done when being aware of the interpretation of the stressor. This led to the need to measure the subjective experience of these variables as well. It was decided to measure air pollution and noise for the rest of the project, both objectively and subjectively. During the project scope phase, a concept direction was chosen, being a product connected inside and outside the home environment to measure air quality and noise and comparing the outcomes. This means the products will consist of two parts, Part A for indoor and Part B for outdoor. The final concept consists of two parts attached on opposite sides of the window. Feedback will be given by indicators in a transparent ring and input will be collected by touch. This concept was validated by a user test. From the user test it was concluded that the product can increase awareness on the level of air quality and noise, but that the experienced need for providing input is missing.


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