Carbonation depth of lime-based binders

Current measurement methods and limitations

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Given the crucial role of carbonation in the hardening of lime-based binders, accurate measurements of carbonation depths are essential for analysing both carbonation kinetics and carbon sequestration capabilities. This study employed both the conventional phenolphthalein spray method and the profile-based method to determine carbonation depths in four types of binders. Unlike the distinct carbonation front observed in cementitious materials, lime-based binders displayed a transition zone between fully carbonated and uncarbonated areas. Meanwhile, the remaining portlandite content in some specimens did not necessarily increase with depth, and typical Liesegang patterns were observed. Compared to phenolphthalein spray method, profile-based methods provide more quantitative evidence for further analyses, but inevitable slice interval can also lead to errors in carbonation depth estimation. Therefore, developing a more precise and convenient method remains essential for a deeper understanding of the carbonation behaviour in lime-based binders.
