An experiment on low-cost RTK GNSS with short baseline performance
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This report first elaborates on an experiment to evaluate the performance of single frequency base station performance along with baseline. The system is deployed on a single frequency base station, and low-cost antenna in both and base and rover setup. The experiment is based on taking measurements on six control points, which are selected by varying simple topographic information and baseline length difference, by connecting to the single frequency base station. To have better evaluation of the performance of six control points, three sets of data, fix, float and all the measurements are divided and a simplified outlier detection model is employed to process the position estimates per control point. Finally, combine the results extracted from each control points to see the baseline length influence.
The experiment is conducted on basis that the precise position of base station is known. While users may construct their base station with unknown location. The document also includes several methods on how to determine an unknown base station position by using NETPOS product, and compare advantages and disadvantages internally, by which user can choose the method accordingly. In the last part of the document, a detail instruction on implementation of low-cost base station and rover setup in the previous experiment, including the needed hardware setup and software configurations, is provided for the potential users.