Evaluating the sustainability of Vietnamese products
The potential of 'designed in Vietnam' for Vietnamese vs. Dutch markets
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Future Living Studio (FLS) is a temporary design studio concept that aims to explore and embed sustainable design approaches in the Vietnamese product design context. Each studio brings together local and visiting designers to develop collections of environmentally sustainable products with participating local companies. These products act as reference products and inspiration for demonstrating the potential of sustainable design in Vietnam. From 2011 to 2013, three studios were deployed in Vietnam where nine local designers, nine visiting designers, and 9+ local production companies took part. The aim of this paper is to assess how sustainable the products developed in three editions of FLS are, by analysing their environmental impacts and their competitive value on domestic versus Western European export markets. The increasingly popular eco-costs/value ratio (EVR) model is used to give a portrayal of the environmental and economic sustainability of the products developed, based on a 'willingness to pay' (WtP) assessment that supplements the life cycle assessment (LCA) approach.