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Wheretrip, describing themselves as, "A Dutch based start-up for travelers who like to explore new places, offering countless destinations within your budget. Being an official YES!Delft student start-up we have created our platform with the help of the best in-house experts available.
With our diverse team of experienced travelers we have carefully selected the best destinations for every type of trip: Whether you are a party animal, surfer or both, we have got you covered! By combining our wanderlust with our smart algorithms, we offer you trips which truly fit your theme and budget".
The company wanted to improve their website, and having had good experiences with BEP earlier, they decided to reach out to the Bachelor Program again. They proposed two major improvements in how things are done, namely: implementing an integrated booking system and personalizing the current search engine.
It would prove a great challenge to implement this functionality while maintaining the high code quality needed to make Wheretrip in a scalable application. After researching the possibility of an integrated booking
system it was decided to be unfeasible to implement all functionality. Therefor it was decided to focus on the personalization part of the assignment while completely rewriting the poorly written front end, as well as cleaning up the back end. There are significant improvements made to the application and it provides a solid foundation for Wheretrip to grow on.


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