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L.H.M.J. Lousberg

13 records found

Flexibility in managing complex infrastructure projects

How flexibility enablers can facilitate the management of project complexity

Nowadays, infrastructure projects seem to become more complex and the project manager’s ability to control projects decreases. Therefore, it is crucial to adapt project management to cope with the emerging complexity. Flexibility options are explored to deal with the increasing c ...
It is a well-known fact that the construction industry operates under high levels of complexity and uncertainty, which gives rise to challenges such as ineffective communication, lack of trust, insufficient support from the higher management, etc. Collaboration has demonstrated t ...

Collaboration through gain-and-pain-share mechanism

A roadmap to incentivize collaboration by gain-and-pain-sharing concepts

This research aims to identify gain-and-pain-sharing methods to foster a collaborative environment to create win-win situations and create mutual objectives. To do so, gain-and-pain-sharing methods that can positively influence a collaborative environment are explored. This study ...

Green Public Procurement in the Dutch Construction Sector

A qualitative research on the inclusion of 
environmental requirements 
in procurement of construction projects

One way to reduce the environmental impact of the construction sector is the inclusion of environmental requirements in the procurement of construction projects, also called Green Public Procurement (GPP). This thesis first analysed the current inclusion of environmental requirem ...
BIM implementation is one of many developments in the building industry that is hindered by a resistance to change. Studies have shown that project managers are among the key players in BIM implementation. Especially when there is no clear vision on BIM, implementation is highly ...
Temperatures are increasing all around the world due to climate change and are predicted to continue to rise in the future. This rise in temperature is worrying especially for urban areas around the world that already suffer from increased temperature due to the urban heat island ...
This research focusses on the usage of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction project life cycle and how to improve the overall use. The construction industry can be characterized as being fragmented and having focus on the many different projects. The use of BI ...
This thesis includes the research performed to investigate how to move away from the current adversarial practices in the Dutch infrastructure sector found in the current way of contracting. Adversarial practices are defined as each party pursuing their own concerns at the other ...

Process standardization in the construction industry

An explorative study into the right balance between standardization and flexibility

Today’s rising project complexity in combination with the changing economic environment has led to an increased interest in improving organizational business processes. Large multinational companies were always affected by those two factors in a greater extent than other smaller ...

Towards 5D BIM

A Process Map for Effective Design and Cost Estimation Integration

The construction industry faces problems in interoperability. Information is not easily interpreted nor accessed by participants. The insufficient level of interoperability occurs due to fragmentation between disciplines in the construction industry. To enhance interoperability, ...

Intensely Infrastructural

Shelter for Nomadic Subjects

'Intensely Infrastructural' seeks to question the self-reinforcing 'pan-humanist' logic behind a contemporary spatiotemporal condition I decide to name the Seamless Paradigm – an urban, capitalist economy founded on the ethos of smooth, transnational circulation of bodies, goods ...

Inducing change in a conservative industry

The effects of simulation gaming on behavioural change in the construction sector

Because in the past, assignments of infrastructure projects became less specific and increasingly complex over time, construction companies had to start joining forces and working together to be able to deliver these projects. This asked for a change in behaviour of the employees ...

Optimising and improving the performance of a project management organisation

The design and development of a tool which accomodates and facilitates the projects- and process management of Ericis b.v

Ericis b.v is a dynamic real estate organisation which provides numerous services in real estate. This project concerns project management department. The operational team of this department is relatively small and exists out of six people. Although this department is quite smal ...