Laura Gomez-Pathak
3 records found
Ratings and experiences in using a mobile application to increase physical activity among university students
Implications for future design
University students have low levels of physical activity and are at risk of mental health disorders. Mobile apps to encourage physical activity can help students, who are frequent smartphone-users, to improve their physical and mental health. Here we report students’ qualitative
A text messaging intervention for coping with social distancing during COVID-19 (staywell at home)
Protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Background: Social distancing is a crucial intervention to slow down person-to-person transmission of COVID-19. However, social distancing has negative consequences, including increases in depression and anxiety. Digital interventions, such as text messaging, can provide accessib
MHealth app using machine learning to increase physical activity in diabetes and depression
Clinical trial protocol for the DIAMANTE Study
Introduction Depression and diabetes are highly disabling diseases with a high prevalence and high rate of comorbidity, particularly in low-income ethnic minority patients. Though comorbidity increases the risk of adverse outcomes and mortality, most clinical interventions target