Circular Image

H.D. Ploeger

182 records found

Problem-solving? No, problem-opening!

A method to reframe and teach data ethics as a transdisciplinary endeavour

Starting from the recognition of the limits of today's common essentialist and axiological understandings of data and ethics, in this article we make the case for an ecosystemic understanding of data ethics (for the city) that accounts for the inherent value-laden entanglements a ...
A new active teaching and learning approach has been implemented in the BSc course Open Urban Data Governance.. This course is part of the minor Spatial Computing for Digital Twinning in the Bachelor of Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences at the Faculty of Architecture a ...

3D Land Administration

Current Status (2022) and Expectation for the Near Future (2026) – Initial Analysis

This paper refers to the creation or update, organisation and initial analysis of the results from the 4th FIG 3D Land Administration Questionnaire, as an activity of the FIG Working Group 3D Land Administration 2022-2026. The questionnaire on 3D Land Administration is conducted ...

Het bouwen van luchtkastelen

Registervervuiling en de toelaatbaarheid van een recht voor een virtuele opstal

Voortdurende erfpacht

Een bron van voortdurende onrust bij consument-erfpachters

Deze bijdrage geeft een visie op het nut en de toekomst van de erfpacht, door de vraag te beantwoorden welke vorm het meeste aansluit op de eisen van de erfpachter. De gemeentelijke erfpacht voor de consument-erfpachter, met name de voortdurende variant zoals door de gemeente Ams ...
In de afgelopen jaren is veel onderzoek verricht naar de mogelijkheid van het realiseren van drijvende platformen waarop meerdere gebouwen (zelfs hoogbouw) gerealiseerd kunnen worden. Toch komen deze projecten in ons land niet verder dan de tekentafel. Het succes van een bouwproj ...
Public participation is an important prerequisite for the success of spatial planning. Technology can help improve the quality and amount of public participation in spatial planning. This paper describes the development of the User Experience (UX) design guideline named ‘4PHASE t ...
Land and space are major driving factors in doing business in urban areas. Cities around the world are performing land management techniques to achieve sustainable urban development. The World Bank acknowledges the importance of land management practices and promotes it as the Ea ...
Water wordt steeds vaker betrokken in de ruimtelijke ontwikkeling, bijvoorbeeld voor woningbouwlocaties. Drijvend bouwen wordt tot op heden echter beperkt door een gebrek aan een passend juridisch kader. De belangrijkste oorzaak hiervoor is gelegen in het feit dat drijvende objec ...

Co-ownership shares in condominium

A comparative analysis for selected civil law jurisdictions

Condominium is a special and relatively new type of property right emerged in the last century to be a remedy for the management problems in multi-unit buildings. There are many types of condominium regimes, as described in EUI (2005), UNECE (2005) and van der Merwe (2016). The c ...
Land management has four functions that are interlinkage to each other: land tenure, land valuation, land use planning and land development. These functions are the foundation of Indonesia's new strategy for improving its Ease Of Doing Business (EODB), directly in dealing with co ...
Cities establish and maintain Land Administration Systems (LAS) to manage information about the land and urban space. Recognizing the importance of the urban space for sustainable development, information from spatial planning will affect land administration and vice versa. There ...

Implementation of Spatial Planning Package for Construction of an LADM Country Profile

Reducing Asymmetric Access to Information of RRRs in Indonesia

Spatial plan (or urban plan) as an aggregate product of sectoral policies (i.e., environmental, disaster management, economy, forestry), will be imposed to all land parcels in the form of public law to achieve the vision of a city. This vision relies heavily on the interoperabili ...
The 3rd FIG 3D-Cadastres Questionnaire was conducted and distributed by the end of 2018, with an extended deadline of 15th of January 2019. The questionnaire survey is a part of the FIG working group 3D-Cadastres activities for the period of 2018-2022. The purpose of this survey ...
Deze uitgave vormt het ideale handboek voor elke jurist, student of andere belanghebbende die meer wil weten over erfpacht en opstal. De auteurs schetsen een actueel en compleet beeld van de praktijk, de jurisprudentie en de literatuur betreffende de rechten omtrent erfpacht en o ...

Circular economy and real estate

The legal (im)possibilities of operational lease

Purpose: A paradigm in circular economy (CE) is that suppliers retain ownership of their products and materials, and that the users “only” pay for services. In many legal systems, however, elements incorporated in a building are considered to be fixtures, and therefore legally pa ...
De stad produceert 24 uur per dag onvoorstelbare hoeveelheden data. Een stroom gegevens op gebieden als transport, energie, milieu en gezondheid die alleen maar toeneemt. Data die steeds vaker als open data publiekelijk gedeeld worden. Maar ook data die binnen het domein van grot ...
An important part of a land administration system that is aimed at constantly reflecting the current right holders of the land and supporting the real estate market, is the system behind the registration of rights, restrictions and responsibilities. Over time the way land transac ...

Façade Leasing

Drivers and barriers to the delivery of integrated Façades-as-a-Service

The construction and renovation of the building envelope represents a significant fraction of a project’s life-cycle costs. It also has a determinant effect on the potential reduction in energy use, as well as on the improvement of the building’s indoor comfort. Nevertheless, the ...