Collection: education
(1 - 20 of 20)
Maas, Wietske (author)
In conventional aircrafts, lift control is achieved by using flap systems. It would be beneficial if flap systems could be replaced by a variable-camber morphing wing. It has been shown that variable-camber morphing wings can significantly improve the aerodynamic performance of the aircraft due to the smoothness of the surface, making it...
master thesis 2021
Maas, Femke (author)
Within this project a design approach of 3 phases is created to guide designers in the redesign of an existing product for Repurpose: 1.Starting point: To find certain opportunities in the future by highlighting essential valuable aspects of the current product that could be maintained in future products. 2.Product Opportunity: The Designer is...
master thesis 2020
Maas, O.P. (author)
Social housing corporations in the Netherlands have a limited ability to influence the social housing market through offering houses to households outside of the regular waiting-list system, but often do not use an algorithmic strategy for utilising this freedom well. There is thus an open question of whether there exist algorithmic approaches...
master thesis 2020
Maas, Elsbeth (author)
For this thesis, the focus is on aQysta’s Barsha pump. aQysta is a Dutch start-up that develops hydro- powered water pumps for irrigation purposes. The Barsha pump uses the kinetic energy of water flowing through rivers to pump water to smallholder farmland for irrigation. The pump requires no external power source and all the energy required...
master thesis 2019
Maas, Olaf (author)
Language Workbenches are instruments developers use to create new domain-specific languages. They provide tools to rapidly develop, test and deploy new languages. Currently, workbenches support deployment in desktop-based integrated development environments. Setting up these environments can be a hurdle for the often non-technical users of these...
master thesis 2018
Maas, Mariska (author)
This report is an exploration of 3D Printed Thermal Actuators (PTAs). The goal of the project is to create a 3D printed demonstrator that shows the qualities of PTAs.<br/><br/>PTAs are created with a Voxel8 Multi-material printer which prints both PLA and a silver paste. When electrical power is applied to the silver trace, the plastic will heat...
master thesis 2017
Maas, T.R. (author)
• In the planning of new wells, typically the same trajectory is used for conventional wells and wells with smart completions. This study demonstrates that the economically optimized trajectory for smart and conventional wells can be very different. Two new well trajectory optimization algorithms were developed using Stochastic Pattern Search ...
master thesis 2016
Maas, M.D. (author)
There is a growing understanding that sustainable development is only achievable through integration into our economic systems. Sustainability does not have to be traded off against profit or business success, but sustainability can be a driver for business, this is called green growth. The Ministry of Economic Affairs aims to promote green...
master thesis 2014
Maas, P.J. (author)
In the field of exploration geophysics various methods are applied to determine the physical properties of the subsurface of the Earth. Some of the methods most widely used are seismic and electromagnetic surveys, which are each used according to the type of information that is being sought and their ability to provide that information. The...
master thesis 2014
Maas, G.P. (author)
This thesis focuses on quay wall structures in the Port of Rotterdam. A quay wall is a soil retaining structure where ships can moore and transfer goods. Over the centuries the developments in quay wall structures have been tremendous, due to increasing ship dimensions, loads and crane designs. Next to that climate change is a hot topic nowadays...
master thesis 2011
Maas, J.A.M. (author)
In the field of colorectal anastomosis the occurrence of anastomotic leakage is a main problem. The risk of colorectal resections lie within the post-operative complication anastomotic leakage, which is very dangerous for the health of the patient. Anastomotic leakage occurs between 2% and 24% of all patients and mortality rates can be as high...
master thesis 2010
Maas, F. (author)
master thesis 2009
Maas, D.G.J. (author)
master thesis 2005
Maas, A. (author)
Voorspellingen van het Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) over veranderingen in klimaat en bodemdaling geven aan dat de stijging van de zeespiegel, gecombineerd met de bodemdaling, in Nederland kan leiden tot een relatieve zeespiegelstijging van 25 cm tussen het jaar 2000 en 2050. Een ander verwacht effect van de...
master thesis 2002
Maas, N. (author)
Laakhaven Centraal is door de gemeente Den Haag aangewezen als GDV-lokatie. Een GDV is een verzameling grootschalige detailhandelvestigingen, met minimaal 1500 m^ bruto vloer oppervlak (b.v.o) per vestiging. Er gelden geen branchebeperking, op deze buiten de bestaande kern-winkelconcentraties gelegen lokatie die zowel met de auto als met het...
master thesis 1997
Maas, F.A.M. (author)
master thesis 1997
Maas, K. (author)
Geokunststoffen worden voor verschillende doeleinden toegepast in de waterbouw, de wegenbouw, de milieutechniek en de funderingstechniek. De kunststoffen vervullen hierbij de functie van o.a. wapening, filter, scheiding of scherm. Bij elke toepassing speelt het wrijvingsgedrag tussen grond en geokunststof een belangnjke rol voor de stabiliteit...
master thesis 1994
Maas, F. (author)
Er zijn twee manieren waarop een sleephopperzuiger zijn lading zand kan lossen. De eerste manier is om de kleppen in de bodem van de beun (= laadruim) te openen, waardoor het zand ter plekke op de bodem bezinkt. De andere manier is om het zand via een, op het schip aanwezige, leegzuig installatie aan wal te persen. Voor deze laatste mogelijkheid...
master thesis 1992
Maas, J.F. (author), Roukema, D.C. (author)
Al vele jaren wordt in landen met een tamelijk streng winterklimaat onderzoek gedaan naar het fenomeen ijs op rivieren, met name naar de grootte en gevolgen van ice-jams. Een ice-jam bestaat uit schollen, die ineengeschoven zijn door de sleepkracht van stroming of wind. Een ice-jam moet in evenwicht zijn. Ten tijde van het ontstaan en de...
master thesis 1991
Maas, G.J. (author)
Het onderwerp van dit afstudeerwerk is het ontwerp voor de uitwateringssluis te Dintelsas, waar de rivier de "Mark en Dintel" in het Volkerak uitmondt. Door middel van de sluis moet de afvoer én het peil van de rivier worden beheerst. Tevens moet het mogelijk zijn dat bij gelijke binnen- en buitenwaterstand schepen de sluis passeren. In het...
master thesis 1977
Collection: education
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